Bridezilla's First Aid Kit

Indahnya Hidup Bersyariat :)

‘‘Worry not with what you don’t know, for you can always learn. Worry much about what you think you know, for pride in knowing blinds the truth.’’ ~Faidzul Sharifuddin
Wearing hijab and praying 5 times a day does not makes one religious, it just makes them a Muslim. I read this quotes somewhere and I just could not agree more. Wearing a hijab does not make the person any better or holier. So there is no need to feel inferior when someone you knew starts wearing a hijab. Some pointed out to improve on faith is far more important than appearance. Personally, I believed once we improved spiritually; eventually our appearance will improve too.  So there is no need to debate who is good who is not. No one is judging. You may choose to start with either or both, that would be a good start.. :)
Up to now, I am still in learning process. There are lots of things I need to learn. I don’t have any specific book to guide me, most of the times I refer to Mr.Google for all the questions I had in mind. Sometimes Mr.Google did confuse me when there are a few different answers from different sources.
Alhamdulillah, look what I got for my birthday! This book explains in details with illustration pictures, all the Muslim should know and should do-correctly. Everything I need to know from the birth to the death. Indahnya hidup bersyariat is a gift from Sist Lily and my 3 beautiful nieces.
So I have a new material to read before I went to sleep now. When papa read out Peter and Jane to Sara, Mama will join them with this book.  Love this book to bit! : )


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