Bridezilla's First Aid Kit

The January

Salam Pamabearies!

I don’t have any specific subject to tell today. Let just call this carca merba post okay. 

It’s January, and my milk supply is running low. I am kind of shocked how much a baby boy (or is it just Noah?) drinks. I am kind of ‘kais pagi minum pagi, n kais petang minum petang ‘ now.. Oh no!! What should I do.? I list down all the food that can help to boost the milk supply for hubs to find. Most of it is not working, the only vege seems works on me is bitter gourd.. No biggie.. I take it!! 

Despite of me in agony worried about my milk supply, I heard a rumor that the arrears payment will be credited. Unsure if I am entitle for it or not since I was promoted last year, I don’t put too much hope and <trying> not to think a great deal about it. On the mention date, I check on my account and Yeay!!!  I get the prorated amount and also entitled for increment! It’s not as much as others, but it is enough to make me go nuts and do some chicken dance with Sara.. It’s unexpected fund for me so I get myself the ‘unexpected’ stuff.. You know like the bag and the Jovian’s and some shawls and some baju and more baju.. Okay I better stop! haha.. 

Hubs starts to make some noise on my spending behavior.. I know he is worried that we are going to Japan soon and Japan is not cheap. What he doesn’t know is, I will get my bonus on March just before we depart to Japan. *wink*

Speaking of Japan, we have decided to go backpacking! Oh my.. Instead of donning my LV, I am taking Deuter on my back to Japan. It is going to be my first time and I am sure it is going to be a magnificent and wonderful experience for all of us.

Some told us to leave Noah with my mom because he is too young to understand and to enjoy the trip. We heard the same advice when we decide to go to UK with Sara. To be honest, when we went to UK with Sara we don’t regret our choice, not a bit in fact we are glad that we stick together. You have no idea how Sara giggles looking at all her pictures in UK, and exclaimed with excitements. She most probably can’t remember her trip but she look at the picture and she knew she was there.

We are trying to make a statement to our children that no matter what, no matter how hard and difficult the situation is, family comes first. You know how action is louder than words? We decide to show them what to do instead of tell them what to do. We hope that one day when they are big enough to think. They learn that the family will stick together no matter what.


  1. laaa ingat beli lv trevi tu nk bawak pi jepun.. rupernye bawak deuter.. kihkih bak mai la i pakai trevi u.. i pun nak ke mauritius next month..


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